Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Body Pump!

So my girlfriends invited me to this workout class at Golds Gym last night called body pump. Can I just say I can barely even walk today!! I'm freaking dying. It was a great class though, I always get confused at the gym as what to do with the weights and if I'm doing it right. This class taught me so many different styles to work EVERY part of my body. So I'm going to go to the class with my girls every Tuesday then just working out in the gym with what I have learned all the other days. I have been pretty committed, I really need to get "fit" for my wedding and especially my dress! I have total confidence that this class will help with that and recommend it!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The big 23!

Yep, I turned 23 last week, I kind of feel like that Blink 182 song, no one likes you when your 23. I think the only thing exciting that is going to turn out from this age is I'm getting married and becoming Mrs. Wilson!! Overall my birthday went pretty good Travis took me to dinner at California Pizza kitchen a couple nights before my birthday and then on my birthday we went to Mings Garden. It's kind of  a little dive restaurant but it's sentimental because Trav and I always used to go there when we were first dating and it's really good totally recommend it. So he totally spoiled me I have been wanting new running shoes for a few months now and when we went shopping I fell in love with the new Rebok ZigTechs, well he surprised me with the black and pink ones, I must say I absolutely LOVE them!! They are awesome to work out in. He also got me an affliction shirt and my all time favorite movie, What Women Want, don't ask me why I don't already own it cause I'm obsessed with that movie. I also spent super bowl with my family to celebrate my birthday, Trav and I had a great time and of course I'm stoked the Packers won!!

Monday, February 7, 2011


So I'm going to try this whole blogging thing, it seems like it is the new "it" thing! I know I enjoy looking at other peoples blogs, so I hope I can amuse and entertain those who look at mine. I'm not very familiar with how to get this thing up and going so please be patient with me until I figure stuff out.